How to do Istikhara for marriage

MarryMax Guidelines

03 Dec, 2021

Are you wondering how to do Istikhara for marriage? Do you want to ensure that your marriage is successful? Find out the process of doing an Istikhara prayer and why it's essential with this blog post. Read on! Doing an Istikhara prayer before getting married is a simple yet powerful way to ensure that your marriage will last.

Istikhara for Marriage Proposal


Suppose you are a Muslim, especially if your parents have already arranged for marriage before even meeting the person who would eventually become their son- or daughter-in-law. You might be wondering whether this is really what's best for me because, let's say, all those good things seem so promising now, but how will they turn out later on down Turing? The answer lies in practicing Istikhara...

Salat al-istikhara is the process of determining what's best for you in terms of marriage. If you consider whether it's worth marrying someone, then turn to Allah Talah because only he knows how things should work out with your relationship!

And if there are any doubts on either side about their compatibility - don't worry; all these problems will eventually resolve themselves when put through an essential trial by fire called "life."

How to do Salat Istikhara for Marriage

Description: how to do Istikhara for marriage


It's been said that the decision of your marriage may have given you several sleepless nights. But, practicing salat ul istikhara to make an informed choice about it will no longer leave any doubt in mind as long as sincerity and devotion are present during this process - which they should be since these two things alone carry immense weight.

Far beyond their power on our thoughts! And remember: there shouldn't even be hesitation if all else fails because whatever verdict comes into being through prayer must always take precedent over anything we might think otherwise; after all, those were sent by God, so His judgment belongs first before ours.

And never be impatient after doing the istikhara. If you still don't get your desired result, keep repeating it until Allah answers in the best way possible!

How to Perform Istikhara?


It has been quoted in the Hadiths that when a person intends something, he should pray two Rakats Nafl. The word nafaalm means both good deeds and bad ones, so it's essential to be mindful of your intentions at all times!

ü A performer must be in ghusal and wadu before performing.

ü Before retiring to bed, pray two cycles (raka') of salat-ul-istikhara prayer (nail).

ü Recite Surah al-Kafirun in the first raka' following Surah Fatiha (Allhamdu Lilah.). (Chapter 109)

ü Recite Surah al-Ikhlas in the second raka' following Surah Fatiha (Chapter 112)

ü After you've finished praying, read this Dua, which is written in Arabic.

ü It is preferable to sleep after cleansing (wazu, ghusal)

ü Because it is Sunnah, you should sleep in the direction of the Qiblah.

ü It is preferable to recite Durood on the Prophet (s.a.w) before and after the Dua above.

ü Insha Allah, you will have a dream with a message regarding your decision.

ü If it still doesn't work, try again.


Istikhara dua for marriage


If you are looking for a simple way to practice Islam, try reciting two Rakat files (voluntary) prayers after performing the night prayer. Next, say an istikhara dua and ask Allah Talah whether your marriage proposal will work out or not- once done with these steps, then face Kibla in its correct direction while sleeping!

Insha Allah, the very night you will have a dream. The answer is either yes or no, depending on what it signifies from God, and whatever sign comes to mind, just follow through with it as if it's an instruction directly coming down from almighty himself! If unsure how to make istihahera for marriage, ask our molvis here, who are Sufis at heart, because they know all things needed most by those around them.

Istikhara dua in English


O Allaah! I seek goodness from Your Knowledge and with Thy Might, strength. Ask for the Great Blessings that You have power over all things unseen by me - because in knowledge alone do dwell those whom Thou dost call "/ subset of)." Make my heart pure so it may understand what pleases Thee more than any other thing on earth or heaven above; grant unto us good fortune through these prayers made up between Us hearing out loud "Ya Ulleten siwa le mae billahi minas Salat el-layli wal-barak."

How many times do you have to perform Istikhara?


It can take anywhere from one session to seven sessions. If you get an answer, then stop doing istikhara and move on with your life! It's best if we do this practice seven times because there may be some other thing interrupting our natural flow of energy, which would mess up those systems beautifully in their place as it should have been done before that happened.

Still, now everything has gotten all mixed up again, therefore, stopping until someone eases these fears for us once more by answering them entirely, at least partially...

I hope my explanation helped-good luck :)


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